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Why You Should Head to Bend this Month

MARKING ITS FOURTH YEAR, BEND DESIGN 2018, PRESENTED BY SCALEHOUSE (OCTOBER 25–27), WILL OFFER THREE DAYS OF SPEAKERS, HANDS-ON EXHIBITIONS, AND INTERACTIVE WORKSHOPS CELEBRATING DESIGN AND ITS COMMUNAL IMPACT. Hosted at various Bend, Oregon, venues, the event will feature speakers April Greiman and Civilization’s Michael Ellsworth and Gabriel Stromberg, among others.

As a proud media sponsor, here are a few of the talks and events we’re anticipating the most. Check out the full list of speakers here.

On Thursday, October 25, at 5:30 pm, Civilization creative director Gabriel Stromberg hosts a live “Beyond This Point” podcast: Less is More, More or Less, an interview with Julie Lesseg (Visible and The Beauty Shop), Denise Hernandez (Visible and The Beauty Shop), Bijan Berahimi (FISK), and Joshua Berger (PLAZM). Stromberg returns on October 26 at 1:30 pm with “Beyond This Point,” to facilitate a series of conversations with artists, business owners, designers, and leaders to spotlight different ways of seeing, thinking, and making.

Creative siblings Kim Kovel (Nike) and Jeff Kovel (Skylab Architecture) will sit down with April Baer, Host of “State of Wonder” on Oregon Public Broadcasting for a family-focused conversation on Thursday, October 25 at 1:30 pm. The duo will host an interactive workshop entitled “What’s Your Story” the next day at 8:30 am, where attendees will learn the tools to help build better stories and will have fun utilizing those tools in practice.

On October 26, at 10:30 am the panel discussion, “Art Asks. Design Answers.,” ignites conversation around questions such as, What is the role of art and design in our culture? How do these creative disciplines inform our understanding of the world? With moderator Troy Gua, the Seattle-based contemporary artist, and panelists Heather Crank/Crahmanti (visual artist and designer), Kiel Fletcher (artist, designer, and educator, OSU – Cascades), and Bill Hoppe (contemporary artist and designer, Central Oregon Community College), it will no doubt be an enlightening discourse.

Spend a little extra time—3.5 hours to be exact—on October 26 helping to create the BND DSGN 2018 official catalog—fast. During the “How Fast Can You Design?” workshop, participants will contribute to this unique artifact, in collaboration with FISK to gather and create content. Expect to design, photograph, write, scan, edit, transcribe, layout, produce, and distribute this one-of-a-kind documentation of Bend Design 2018.

An American magazine and media brand that connects the world to the ideas, resources, and initiatives that move design forward.

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