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Vancouver Design Week 2018 Explores the Impact of Design

by GRAY Editors

Vancouver Design Week (VDW) returns May 7–13, 2018,  for its third annual citywide design event. This year’s theme is “Impact,” which emphasizes the ways that design can be a tool for positive change and innovation. There are more than 100 tours, tastings, and talks, led by the very creatives shaping the city’s new scene. GRAY is once again proud to be a media sponsor of this dynamic design week.

VDW Director Jane Cox, who is also principal at brand and communications strategy consultancy Cause+Affect, told GRAY, “I’m thrilled with the cross-sector partnerships that have formed this year showcasing that we are better off when we work together—and outside of our sector—than in isolation.  Having established the non-profit Vancouver Design Foundation back in July, which gives us a neutral platform, we have been able to collaborate and create some of VDW’s feature offerings. These include a design leadership and strategic storytelling workshop by Moura Quayle and Denise Withers at CityStudio, a global talk from UK architect Alison Brooks on socially driven architecture, and a thought-provoking discussion on our Canadian design identity by local design influencers, as well as our feature VDW public activation that helps the public understand how design is connected to their neighborhoods and individual wellbeing.”

We hesitate to list only a few must-see events because there is such a breadth of diversity present in all of them, but we think you’d be remiss not to check out events such as PechaKucha Night vol. 45, produced by Becki Chan Design, with hosts: Marianne Amodio of MAAStudio, and Caroline Boquist, of WalrusCreative Mornings Van at Night, hosted at HCMA Architecture + Design, and featuring industrial designer, entrepreneur, social innovator, Pat Christie, and Matthew McCormick: Technically Beautiful, talk at Inform Interiors. The keynote talk by renowned UK-based architect Alison Brooks is sold out, but don’t fret because there are many high-profile firms in the city that will have open houses throughout the weekend, so you can still brush shoulders with top designers. Friday is the free, all-ages kickoff party at 800 Robson, featuring scads of activities and interactive installations. Will you pop one of the “truth or dare” balloons?

Some events happen multiple times throughout the week, such as Bubblescape by Vancouver Design NerdsThisopenspace store, and an experiential installation called A Magical Place.

New this year, VDW solicited suggestions for Vancouverites’ favorite design landmarks and has announced that they are Emily Carr University of Art and DesignThe Polygon GalleryMegabench, and the Parks Board Office in Stanley Park. There are tours of these four places taking place during VDW, so get your tickets, here.

Don’t miss the closing party on Sunday, May 13, at Circle Wellness Studios with Pacific Rhythm for a BBQ and dance party.

See the full VDW schedule on the website, and be sure to tag @gray_magazine on Instagram while you’re out and about, and we may repost what you’ve captured!

An American magazine and media brand that connects the world to the ideas, resources, and initiatives that move design forward.

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