By Shawn Williams

This Copenhagen Hotel Wants Residents to Take Its Furniture Home

The Audo, part hotel and part showroom, wants its guests to love what they see—and take it home.

By Claire Butwinick

Photographed by Mario Depicolzuane

The Audo—a hybrid boutique hotel, café, coworking space, and concept store that opened this May in Copenhagen’s

portside Nordhavn—reimagines work-life balance with a quintessentially Danish design concept that connects its guestrooms to its community spaces. The Audo’s design team, including Norm Architects, Kinfolk cofounder Nathan Williams, and furniture company MENU, whose new headquarters is on the hotel’s first floor, transformed the interior of this century-old boathouse into a Nordic retreat with 10 hygge-forward suites filled with custom furniture and artwork, a material library meant to inspire architects and designers, and a courtyard with a terrace that leads to the bistro-style Audo Restaurant.

In June, the hotel unveiled a concept shop that allows visitors to purchase items (from furniture to slippers) seen throughout the place. “The whole house is a hybrid space, and each area is multi-purpose,” says Bjarne Hansen, Audo’s founder and MENU’s former CEO. “The spaces are connected to blur the lines between their functions, so they seamlessly overlap into one holistic house and experience.”